Sabbath Bloody Sabbath Counterfeit LP Album Discography
  1. Sabbath Bloody Sabbath
  2. A National Acrobat
  3. Fluff
  4. Sabbra Cadabra
  5. Killing Yourself To Live
  6. Who Are You
  7. Looking For Today
  8. Spiral Architect
  • Hit, L 302, Korea, ?

      - Purple and white cover

      - No gatefold

  • Yegrin Hit, L 302, Korea, ?

      - Green and white cover

      - No gatefold

  • SAS, LP 567, Malaysia, ?

      - Different cover

      - No gatefold?

  • IANT?, TD 1350, Thailand, ?

      - No gatefold

  • SNC, C 90 31085 007, USSR, ?